"Life has drifted so far off the path of purpose that everyone is lost with no sense of direction and no idea how to get back on course."
So many lies have been told by so many people trying to hide the truth that truth is not recognized by this generation. Truth is one of the three components of love and if truth is lost, so is love. The other component of love is integrity. Believe it or not, America has seen a time when people lived to do the right thing, and then...
...along came those lying ass folks who lived around the Joneses! Everybody started trying to keep up with them and that's how things got so crazy. Instead of folks doing what they needed to do to fulfill their own purpose, they started trying to look and act like the Joneses--whoever they were! Maybe the Joneses were a model family--I don't know--but the problem is that somewhere along the way, somebody started lying about what that perfect life looked like. Hell, the lie was that life could be perfect! The only way to be perfect is to have incorruptible honesty all the time. If the Joneses were people, born of man and woman, there was a lie in there somewhere! It's what humans do. Some more than others. And others even more than that. And some people--Lord have mercy--would lie even if the truth sounded better! So...
...who can you trust? There was a time when you could trust family and your neighbors. You could trust the pastor and the church folks. Well, all that's gone to hell in a hand basket, thanks to things like pride, ego, drugs, selfishness, religion, alcohol, materialism, self-importance, insecurity, desperation, depression, and good old fashioned sport! These are the kinds of things that cause people to lie because they have a need to cover up the truth about who they really are, and that includes family. Even, and sometimes especially, Mom and Dad. Hell, even back in the day when things were slightly close to perfect, we discovered that Santa Claus was a lie! (Ouch. That one hurt me badly.)
The fact of the matter is that lies and untruths--be they little white ones or the big old red, white and blue ones--have gotten us off the driven path; doesn't matter whether you're the one telling them or the one believing them. Lies have destroyed who we once were as a people, and as a result of that, the world is really struggling. The struggle is not simply an economic one. It's not that people don't have jobs as much as it is that people are not getting or telling the truth.
In order to find your way back, find out the truth about who you are and your existence. Find out why you do what you do, think what you think, or feel what you feel. Explore your traditions, your habits, your beliefs about God, people, yourself, family, life, etc. After finding out who you are and why you believe what you do, do the right thing with it. Don't bury the truth because of shame, guilt, hurt, shock, embarrassment or the difficulty of knowing. Do the right thing with it, and finally,...
...make the necessary substitutions in your life that will eliminate your need to keep up with anybody! Stop competing with other folks. You be you and let them be them! Stop gossiping, reading gossip magazines, listening to gossip, spreading gossip, etc., about what everyone else is doing and discover what YOU need to do to be the best person you can be. Do what will give YOU a sense of purpose, not that which will make others like you or what will you a part of the crowd. Do the real you. Stop faking to be what you think will impress others. Remove yourself from their judgment seat. Be your own person in a positive way that contributes to what once made America the land of the free. Be a part of what makes our society work so that you can sleep well at night, knowing your contributions matter. As our wonderful First Lady Michelle Obama stated, "Success isn't how much money you make; it's how many lives you've touched."
Get back on the path guided by truth so that you can find your way home. Leave the Joneses and the Kar...(you know who they are) alone. Don't try to keep up with any of them. Do you. Just do you the right way!