Sunday, June 3, 2012

Long Time, No See

"What you see is what you get, and if you're brave enough to see with your mind's eye, you'll get something new, bigger, better and different to introduce to the rest of the world!"

As a professional with a passion for the metaphysical, the phrase "seeing is believing" is one that I have grown to absolutely hate, simply because you really can't believe everything you see.  Nor should you ignore the things you can't see.  For example, you feel pain, but can't see it, yet you know it's there, right?  How about things like love, joy, peace, fear, or anxiety?  We don't see those things but we know they are there--if we are the ones personally going through those emotions.  For those who can't see it, often doubt it's really there.  This is where it becomes a problem for me.  Read ahead:

We live in a society predicated merely on that which we can see, therefore denying all that we can't.  So why is that a problem?  Because it diminishes and demolishes imagination, creativity and risk.  As a result of that, our young are growing up or have grown up in a world that grossly lacks originality.  The by-product of that is reality t.v.!  I sat down one day and watched an episode or two of one of those based in New Jersey, which I won't name because I don't want to plug it.  Only a few minutes into it, I lost the taste for the shrimp and sweet potato fries I had been eating--seriously.  I couldn't believe the waste of airtime I had partaken of.  I ended up watching it because my daughter and niece, who are both over 18, thank God, were laughing and gasping loudly at what they were watching.  My appetite was lost as I wondered what they'd be taking into their minds if they were younger and more impressionable, then realized that a lot of young children are doing just that: taking in that idiocy and formulating beliefs about life as a result of it.  So that brings me to the blog theme of the day.

Imagine yourself growing up in a world where no one had vision.  Can't imagine it?  Then let me help you: you'd be living in the wild as a caveman/woman.  There'd be no housing as we know it, no indoor plumbing, no motorized transportation, no t.v., radio, mp3 players or computers, no phones--landline or cellular, no processed or fast food (which none of us need, but when I think of eating barley and wheat in a hot cereal or porridge, big, fat, juicy cheeseburgers begin to tantalize me), soap, toothpaste, deodorant, trendy clothing,  (Oh, God.  I feel a hot flash coming on!  Give me a minute. (fan, fan, fan.)  Okay. Gotta stop imagining now; this has gotten dangerous.  Life without shoes would just not be worth living.  Don't mess with the shoes!  I take it you get the picture by now anyway.

Now, imagine where our world is going to be when this generation of reality t.v. grows up and is responsible for invention and innovation.  The future K.K.'s of the world will be designing the safety features in your next car.  The Snook-snooks of the world will be handling and investing your money.  The real wives will be teaching our, scratch that.  I don't think they even work.  What a relief!  (I hear they are coming out with one that follows the lives of pastor's wives.  I think we should all watch that one so we can see what has happened to the church.  Trust and believe, it ain't about God any more.)

With all of that, we are to believe only what we see?  Let me introduce you to the world of metaphysics.  Metaphysics is based on that which is real that we cannot see; using your own mind as a resource.  Sound scary?  Well, the other alternative is to believe what we see on "reality" t.v., and follow the paths they set for us, or to continually do what's been done before.  Now that's scary!  Reality t.v. is what you get when you cross television cameras with people who don't really use their minds to full capacity, if they use them at all.  After all, isn't that the draw?  How many people watch reality t.v. to learn something?  How many watch that stuff to laugh at the ridiculousness of the lives of the reality stars?  Doing only what's been done before makes life boring, robotic and mundane.  Nothing will grow, and without growth, everything dies.  Enough said.   But before we go any further, I'd like to make the disclaimer that metaphysics is not some new wave shamanism or numerology-like stuff.  It is not an alternative to church nor is it some trendy type of religion.  It's life.  Life is in the mind, for as a man thinketh, so is he (Proverbs 23:7).  Meta means "beyond".  "Physical" means "of or pertaining to the body or that which is material".   "Meta-physical" refers to that which extends beyond the body (the mind) or the material (that which can be seen or touched).  Metaphysics requires using YOUR mind; not just following the guy in front of you.  It's the road back to creativity, originality, invention, focus, direction, intelligence, integrity, honesty, etc., because it's all based on the truths that we've forgotten about or never knew because we have relied only on that which we can see.  The real danger in that is that there are very few good examples out there for us to follow.  Look at the upcoming presidential race.  Now remember the one from 2008.  Thank God for Barack and Michelle Obama.  Like them or not, they are quite poised, upstanding and intelligent.  Whether or not you agree with their politics may be a glitch in your matrix.  Without them, the poor kids of the last two generations wouldn't stand a fighting chance!  The problem that most have with President Obama is that the Harvard graduate and former president of the Harvard Law Review thinks for himself.  This kind of behavior is shunned by this society, which is indicative of the behavior of many of the politicians currently holding office as well as the outspoken critics.  It's clearly idiocy vs. intelligence.  Back to metaphysics...

...when was the last time you had an original idea?  What did you do with it?  Anything?  Or were you too afraid to realize it because you'd never seen it done before and were afraid to be different?  Did some friend or relative shoot it down with their arsenal of hater-ade bows and arrows?  For originality and strength, go beyond what you can see.  Be a vessel for what eyes have not seen, ears have not heard--BE CREATIVE.  If it's been seen or heard before, there's no originality and each time it is duplicated or replicated, it loses it's meaning and value.  HEY, could someone pass this on to the reality t.v. execs? LMAO

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