Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The Crown of LIfe

"The real crown of a king is not the crown itself, but the woman for whom he wears it." 

Listen up, Ladies and Gents: Kings are not kings because they wear a crown; kings are kings when they have queens to live for.  Wars have been fought over them, dynasties have been destroyed behind them, dynasties have been built for them, and whole empires have lasted because of them.  They are queens; not just women--but Q-U-E-E-N-S!  And before we even get started, the definition of queen is one born a woman, whose strength is her integrity, whose power is her truth, and whose foundation is intelligence.  Anything short of that misses the mark of queenship.  Because she's intelligent, she makes wise choices.  She thinks beyond herself in a global manner, which keeps her from being selfish, impulsive, self-serving, egotistical and controlling.  The fact that she's integral makes her naturally fair and just, considering all who will be effected by her decisions and choices.  She doesn't base her decisions on that which will only satisfy her in the moment.  Her decisions result in the strength and success of her family, her friends, her coworkers.  Because she's honest, everything she does can be trusted.  She is reliable, dependable, and has no need to cheat the system or take short cuts.  She is a woman of the one true God---truth, intelligence and integrity.  She is not religious, nor does she use platitudes to sound wise.  She is not "blessed and highly favored", but rather highly blessed and, because of her, her king is favored. 

Her wisdom is tried and true because she's been through some things--A LOT of things!  Her life has not been perfect; if it had, she would never understand you or what you need.  She bathes in oils at night (bubbles for this generation) to smooth out the rough edges of her day.  She cares for herself.  She cares for those around her.  She has someone greater than herself to answer to because that is what keeps her humble and away from the things that would destroy YOU!  She's real.  She's determined.  

She doesn't confer at the henhouse, or gather with the chickens!  She knows that their greatest wisdom is utter foolishness, so she doesn't bother to seek counsel from them.  She knows a queen from an everyday, average female and doesn't keep company with such.   She doesn't involve herself in scandal, but keeps her name clean.  She's not distracted by drama for she knows that the negative is always going to be there, it's presence just doesn't matter to her.

Her family is HER family; not an extension of her mother's.  She knows that her children are going to be different from her siblings and her because their father is different from hers.  She knows her mother means well, but so does she.  In knowing this, she keeps her mother a grandmother, not an extended mother.  In doing this, she acknowledges and understands that her children's father is a part of her life and the lives of her children--more a part of them than her mother.

A queen loves herself and sees herself as a spiritual garden.  Inside her are many blossoms that send forth an inviting aroma.  Her scent is sweet, and she smells it before anyone else.  Because she enjoys it so much, she's able to share it with others.  Whenever she comes around, others enjoy her presence.  When she leaves, they anxiously await her return.  She's beautiful.  She's majestic.  She is...

...a queen.

Gents, stop settling for females that are women in your minds because they have the right body parts.  Body parts can't help you when your inner strength is gone.  Ladies, stop thinking you're ready to be the crown of a man just because he chose to be with you.  Guys, find your queen for it is only then that your life will be worth living, but you have to be ready for her or you won't be able to keep your crown on your head for long.  Ladies, stop limiting yourselves at sassy and sexy.  You won't be able to crown your king with that, and if you can't crown your king...

...he can be nor more royal than a court jester!

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