"Love covers a multitude of sins, but lies didn't make the list."
We've talked about moms, dads, husbands, wives, neighbors and pastors lying. Guess who has not yet been addressed?
WARNING: This is where the truth is really going to ruffle some feathers. If you're one who needs it watered down or softened (making it an altered truth-which is just a soft lie!), DO NOT PROCEED! This one is going to the heart of YOUR matter, who ever you may be. If the following doesn't apply to you, it's okay. It applies to someone who wants and needs to hear it. So here goes:
People, stop lying to yourselves. Stop lying to yourself (and to others) about things that you really don't feel in your heart. It's understandable that some things are easier to just say than to have to explain. It's easier to say "I love you, too" than it is to say, "No, really. You make me sick." Why? Because it's easier and more fashionable to just say that which is socially acceptable. Honesty is society's most grossly underestimated power source. Take back your power (or get you some!) by removing the black robes and gavels from the people you allow to judge you, and start talking to those who won't. The reason you lie doesn't even matter; that you lied does! There seems to be this unspoken societal rule that says if you lie, you will be accepted. That's true. You will be accepted by other liars!!! Be honest. Most won't accept you, or what you have to say, but let's face it. Most people are not meeting the standard of perfection required to be a judge of moral character themselves. So don't let them judge you. Keeping it real with them will show you whether or not you should be accepted as a part of their group because it can only be a circle of honesty or web of lies anyway. Let's take a look at the list of things that most broken folks lie about. I've gotta warn you. This is not going to be easy, but real truth never is. The thing that most people lie about is love. Probably because not many people really understand what love is since they've been lied to about it, too. Not all lies are intentional. Many are inherited. The biggest lie about love: God loves everybody. Not so. Read Malachi 1:1-3 and Romans 9:13 (read all of chapter 9 for a real good explanation of this). God Himself proclaimed that He does not love everybody. But before you lose heart, read Matthew 10: 21-28. Jesus does show compassion if you truly want it. The second lie about love is that all parents love their children. Now this is a big one. NO ONE wants to hear this, but as a counselor, I heard it all the time. You'd be surprised at the honesty that will come out of a broken heart behind a closed door. Don't lose heart here, either. Just because someone starts out not loving doesn't mean that they can't ever learn to love. The problem is that these people have been lied to by a society that believes that just because a person is capable of bearing/siring children, he/she is also capable of loving them. The man and woman involved may have lied or been lied to as the child was being conceived. He may have lied and said, "I love you." She may have lied to the father of the child about the conception (the child may not even be his!). He may have told her he loved her and thought he really did, but found later that it was just lust. (The two are often confused.) Now she has this child, he's gone, she's angry, and society is requiring her to love the outcome of their less than honest union. If this is the case, chances are, she's not going to admit that she doesn't love the child, and neither will he, for that matter. It would be socially unacceptable to make an admission like that, yes, but that child is going to grow up confused about what love is and the cycle will continue. The third lie, which is more an assumption, is that people love themselves. Most people never really think about that one, but the fact of the matter is that if you can't love yourself, you can't love anyone else. You can't give what you don't have. Newsflash: if you don't love yourself, your heart is not open to anyone else loving you, either. Don't expect others to be able to give you what you can't give to yourself.
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