"Truth is inevitable; acceptance, understanding and growth are optional."
Oh what tangled webs we weave when the truth we refuse to receive. I'll be honest with you: truth is a feather ruffler! That's why most people avoid it. But the problem with the avoidance is that lies and deception cause a brokenness in life that only truth can fix. This brokenness can be mental, emotional, spiritual and/or physical, and will reach far beyond the one who told the lie in the first place, destroying everything in its path. A mother, for example, who doesn't want to face the truth about her relationship with her child's father, can lie about what a great man he is to make the child believe he's great. But when the father comes home drunk, or if he doesn't come home at all, if he verbally or physically abuses the child or the wife, the child is led to believe that's the kind of fruit "good" men bear. When he grows up to treat his wife and child in the same way, he won't understand what he's doing wrong because his mother, the one he trusted, taught him that there was nothing wrong with his father's behavior! What the father does to the mother doesn't go unnoticed by the child and that child grows up broken. The sad part of that is that society will expect that now grown child to know how to function as a productive and law abiding citizen. Most of us don't understand brokenness of spirit. It's very similar to physical brokenness. Try walking on a broken bone. You don't really have to be in that situation to know how painful that can be. Depending on the break, it could even be impossible to do. Now try walking around with a broken heart. The results can be the same! Brokenness of heart/life can be as painful and as dangerous as the brokenness of a bone. By avoiding the truth, telling it or hearing it, the broken places in the life can't be fixed. Mothers, stop lying to your children about the mistakes you never made. Dads, stop lying to your sons about how it's not supposed to hurt. Husbands, stop lying to your wives about how brave you're really not. Wives, stop lying to your husbands about how good the sex is. Neighbors, stop lying to your neighbors about the things you don't really have and the status in life you could only wish to achieve. Pastors, stop lying to your congregations about perfection being the way to Heaven (told you it could ruffle your feathers!) The truth hurts, yes, but lies spin webs that will destroy generations of lives until someone is brave enough to tell or hear the truth and act on it.
I can't tell you how amazing it is to start the day off with a bit of wisdom. Thank you for this!