Saturday, January 21, 2012

Wisdom is Food For the Soul...

"Wisdom is food for the soul; without it, no one is able to grow."

This growth does not apply to the physical; it refers to the development of the mind.  Wisdom is, plain and simple, nourishment for the psyche.  Without it, we will grow physically, but in the mind we are adults with childlike thoughts, fears, questions, answers, etc.  What's worse is that our problem solving, organizational, leadership, and active daily living skills will be stunted because we won't have the maturity necessary to pull ourselves out of the childlike state.  That means that we are left to make decisions in an adult world for ourselves and our families with the skill level of a child, and that is a horrible existence in a world that's spinning out of control around us.  Wisdom is like a heathy, organic diet for the mind.  You can choose not to go organic or healthy and survive, but your quality of life will be limited.  Let me explain.  Every choice we make is a direct result of the wisdom on the inside of us.  If there isn't much wisdom in there, our choices are going to reflect that and we will be judged and critiqued accordingly.  Regardless of how much we'd like to think that we should be able to do what we want, live where we want, work where we want, etc., without being judged or criticized, we really can't escape it, the first judge and worst critic being ourselves.  We know when we are not accomplishing anything or contributing much, and it makes us feel less than those who are.  (I'm sure someone reading this is saying, "not me."  Really, not you?  Then let me guess.  Your best friends are doctors?  Upstanding lawmakers or judges?  Businessmen/women? University professors or school administrators? City officials?  The first lady of your church?  People who make a difference?  I didn't think so.  LOL)

All kidding aside, without wisdom we are reduced to mere self-survivors with the quality of life of a gnat! Then we raise little gnats because we don't know how to help them to achieve any more than we did!  We can't contribute much to our families or the rest of society because we don't know much.  So, today, make the choice to take a bite of the wisdom apple.  Pull some fruit from the tree of wisdom in order to build a better tomorrow for yourself, your mate, your children (small or adult), your friends, your neighbors, your co-workers, your animals and the rest of the world around you.  It's NEVER too late.  P.S. Don't know where to find wisdom? Start in the Bible, in the book of Proverbs, using an NLT or NIV version.  Even if you are atheist or agnostic.  Wisdom is wisdom.  Try it for yourself.  If you don't think it's wisdom, put it down and look for better source, but I can tell you there isn't one.

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