"Sex is only dirty if the partners are."
I'm a bit perplexed. By now, we've all heard about the heat Kirk Cameron is taking for calling homosexuality "unnatural". He's a Christian. A Bible believing Christian. Why would anybody be surprised at what he said? He got it straight from the Bible (and it's also in the New Testament, Mr. Thicke). I'm quite disturbed at the way society handles Christian views about homosexuality. It's as though Christians are expected to hide/deny what we believe so that gays can be comfortable with what they believe. Gays and their supporters think it's natural to have same gender sexual relations; Bible believing Christians believe it is unnatural. We are all entitled to what we believe, and as grown folk, we should be able to agree to disagree without getting stupid about it. Liberals, stop asking Christians what they believe if you don't want to hear it, and for God's sake, stop being surprised because we haven't changed our view of homosexuality. We're not going to, and WE DON'T CARE about your judgment! The proof is in the pudding; you'll see (Romans 14:11).
But the homosexual thing is not what has me so befuddled. I watched The View this morning and one of the guests was a pastor who preaches and encourages great sex within the marital union between a man and a woman, which is drawing some very unpopular opinion. I don't understand what the problem is with this. Whether we are members of a church or not, my man needs to handle his business, and if he doesn't put it down, well...let's just say that Kitty will be very unhappy and will begin to meow--loudly--in 9-1-1 mode! If Kitty continues to meow with no satisfaction, the meow will turn into a loud piercing yowl. If you're a cat owner--cat as is in Felis Silvestris (the kind with four legs)--you will understand what I'm talking about. If not, I'll give you another example: think of a sexually unsatisfied marriage partner as a cat who's owner never gives him anything to drink. What's the poor animal supposed to do when it's thirsty: swallow it's spit? Okay. That might be a little graphic, but I think it's warranted here. I could have painted a more vivid picture, but I know that some of my viewers are considerably younger or more prudish than I am and may not be ready for that, so...
...if Kitty gets nothing to satisfy her thirst, is she just destined to live out the rest of her life unsatisfied? Tell me please, what would be the point of being married? Yes, marriage is about more than sex, but if you're kidding yourself into believing that you and your partner both feel that way...let's say it together...it sucks to be you! And if YOU are the one who feels that way, you might want to have a little talk with your partner about how he/she really feels!
Raven Simone was the guest host today and she asked a really important question: what does the Bible say about sex. The pastor correctly answered that "the Bible has a lot to say about sex". Here's the problem for far too many folks: the only part of sex that most have been taught by the church is that "fornication" is bad. Oh, yes. The older church goers may have been taught about the Song of Songs (commonly referred to as "the Song of Solomon") but most won't admit that they have no real idea what that book of the Bible really means. From a young age, church children are taught about the hellfire sex will bring on (not that most of them listen, but there are few who do). Sex is taught as taboo, which will strike up curiosity and a a desire to taste of the forbidden fruit faster than any other teaching. Sex is one of the most natural things in existence, but it is not addressed in the church, nor in the home, in the way that it should be. As a result, divorce, extramarital affairs, homosexuality, pornography, molestation, etc., are rampant in the once so sacred church institution. I thought to insert some statistics here to show how bad things are, but statistics are often skewed, therefore making them worthless. I looked up an article on divorce in the church. The first thing I saw was that, according to the researchers findings, divorce was higher among Black folk in the church than whites. Having done a study on stats many moons ago, I learned that if you're going to look at percentages, you must also look at the number of people surveyed because the numbers are not often balanced. In this particular study, 464 African Americans had been interviewed and compared to the 2641 Caucasians who'd been asked the same questions. It looks like the number is higher among Black folk, 36% to 32% white, but in all actuality--or in actual numbers--that would be 167 Black folks as compared to 845 white ones. So let's not look at stats. Instead, let's look at some of the things the Bible says about sex:
1. Don't have sex before it's time. Song of Songs 2:7
2. The body is not meant for sexual immorality. 1Corinthians 6:12-20
3. If a church goer is sexually immoral, hand him over to Satan. Do not even eat with him.
Kick him out of the church! 1Corinthians 5: 4-5, 11,13.
4. Homosexuality is unnatural. Romans 1:26-27
5. Homosexuality is an abomination to God and a detestable act. Leviticus 18:22, 20:13.
6. Bestiality is punishable by death--to both the animal and the human. Leviticus 15-16
7. Incest is a disgrace. Leviticus 20:17-2
8. It's better to marry than to burn in lust. 1 Corinthians 7:8
There are many more things said, but my personal favorite, and the topic of this blog is found in Hebrews 13:4. Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge. KJV
The marriage bed is undefiled! The Bible says that. What a man and woman do consensually in their marital bed is no one else's business; not even the pastor of your church. So listen up men and wives; slap it up, flip it, rub it down! When you're married, you can do that! You're supposed to do that! And for those of you felines who like to withhold the "Scooby Snacks" when you're angry, read Ephesians 4:26. Don't give a foothold to your enemy when you're angry. Handle your business before you wake up in the morning. Even if it's not sex; take care of the problem before you go to sleep.
In all seriousness, we need to understand what the Bible teaches. In order to do that, you must understand an important misconception about God and what He does. Contrary to popular belief, God is not looking to punish you for missing the mark. Most of what He says--especially in the New Testament--was not designed as unbearable punishments for those who do not obey His commands. If you pay attention to what was written, you will find that He's really telling us what will happen to us if we don't follow the right path. Life in the earth realm is like a maze; there are several paths to follow, but only one that will lead you to the finish line. Though God is severe when He punishes, understand that what He punishes is the disobedience of rebellion. Rebellion is deliberate disobedience. If you're not rebellious, He's not going to destroy you. The real truth of the matter is that He's looking to help you to avoid the hell He knows you will bring onto yourself if you follow any of the other pathways in the maze; they are all dead ends. His true desire is that none of His should perish. For that reason, He has sent us a bunch of help (Psalm 91:11-16), but you MUST follow His direction if you want to make it out alive. He's giving direcTION; not direcTIVES. Take up your cross and follow Him. He is not barking orders as religion teaches, but rather sending you the help you need to navigate this crazy, sinful, unenlightened world filled with people who will tell you whatever sounds good to them (1 Timothy 1:1-11, 2 Timothy 3, paying close attention to vs.6-9).
So if you're married, work it, Baby! It's Biblical.
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