"Shhh....Quiet is calm. Calm is peace. Peace is rest, and rest is preparation for the next day."
I had a really interesting experience last night that I want to tell you about, but before I get into it, I need to give you a little background so you'll understand today's blog. My significant other and I have a very deep, very spiritual connection. I can truthfully tell you what it's like for two to become one flesh. If you could see us together, he would appear to be the calm one and the assumption would be that I'm the wild child. But if you took a closer look, you'd see that I'm really the one who's chill. He's very quiet because he holds all of his emotion in. I, on the other hand, am quite expressive and energetic. I'm usually calm--unless, of course, something pisses me off. Then its lights out! Well, yesterday was the best Valentine's Day I've ever had. It felt more like Christmas, because I got up and bought and delivered nice little gifts for my loved ones. Much to his chagrin, we didn't see each other and he wasn't happy about that. As I lied down to sleep that night, I was reflecting on my day while trying to calm his nerves through phone calls. He works in an industry that keeps him extremely busy, and he works the night shift. I'm usually awake until he's done, at home and ready to go to sleep, but last night, I feel asleep early. At the time he was finally able lie down, I was awakened by my doorbell ringing. As I attempted to go back to sleep, I began to feel my significant other attempting to quiet his mind in order to go to sleep. OMG! I felt like I was in the middle of Madison Ave. It just felt like the noise of New York traffic! I could hear Adele singing, "we could have had it a-ah-all; rolling in the dee-ee-eep" over and over in my head. I couldn't shut it off. I kept seeing her face as she nailed that song on the Grammy Award Show. Great song, but right now, I wish I'd never heard it! The hook is so contagious that it plays in your head over and over like a broken record. I couldn't make out everything he was thinking; all I knew was that the thoughts of his workday had NOT been laid to rest! It was crazy! I finally dozed off, but after about an hour, I was back in the middle of Madison Avenue again. It was as if the noise of the traffic had jerked me out of my sleep! I tossed and turned for about 30 minutes before dozing off again. After about another hour, the traffic began to blare again. I couldn't turn it off because the thoughts were not mine. I watched the dawn approach the day as I kept looking at the clock each time I was awakened. The experience began at 2:09 a.m. and the last time I looked at the clock, it was 6:40. Finally, at about 7:30, a friend of mine rang the doorbell, getting me out of bed for the day. I was amazed at what we'd gone through. I knew yesterday was going to be an extraordinarily busy workday for him, but I was surprised it effected me in the way that it did. Apparently, he was trying to end his day with positive thoughts of me, but hadn't taken the time to, or was incapable of shutting down his thoughts from his workday first, causing the thoughts to intertwine. Because my mind was still, when he focused on me, his thoughts entered into my head. The end result was that his thoughts infused with mine and neither of us got any sleep.
So that leads me to the blog question of the day: Do you take the time to quiet your mind at the end of each day or do you allow the concerns of today to begin your tomorrow? For all of us, every morning starts out as if a blank canvas has been given to us to paint our day on. At the end of each day, we have to put that canvas away. If not, we won't get a new one, which leaves us to paint over or around what we painted the day(s) before. If you don't quiet your thoughts at night, your thoughts for the next day will be a continuance of the day before, and that will happen until you put your canvas away. Eventually, the canvas is going to become too full for you to be able to see anything clearly. Your pictures are going to start running into each other and you will no longer be able to see where one ends and another begins. In the mind, this is called confusion. We we become confused, we lose sight of what we did and what we need to do. Then we become frustrated. The frustration turns to stress and the rest is history.
Although you may not be able to control what happens in your life each day, you can control how much of it you allow into your mind. You only have so much mental space, so use it wisely. Take the time each day to get rid of old unnecessary memories, worries, stresses, stressors, etc. This can be done by simply letting go of mental things you've been holding onto for years. (Learn to forgive the girl who stepped on your toe. Good grief. You were in third grade when that happened! She probably doesn't even remember it--or you-- anyway!)
Another thing you can do is watch what you add to your mental plate each day. If a person you know doesn't make the decision you think he should, that's his business; not yours. He has to deal with that. You don't need to add what happened to him or what you think is going to happen to him to your plate. If someone you know is in a relationship that 's no good for him/her in your mind, leave them to make the decisions about how they want to live their lives. In other words, you have too much on your own plate to be in other folk's business! Now, I'm not suggesting you be apathetic and not care about what happens around you. I'm just saying if an issue that you know of is not yours and is not contributing to the degradation of society or harming innocent folks, mind your own business. Chances are you've got enough stuff of your own to work through! If you work on your own issues each day, your canvas will be blank every morning, allowing your mind to refresh and be able to deal with what each next day has in store for you. So today, before you start running anyone else's business, handle your own. It will make for a much quieter, calmer, more peaceful night's rest. Even if you have a mate like mine. I can't imagine what the night would have been had my mind been busy also. Though the experience didn't bring me much sleep, it did bring a message for you. Not all was lost because I think you're worth it.
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