"LADIES: If you want your strength in tact, don't let the spear pierce your armor.
GENTS: If you want your strength in tact, don't pierce the armor before its time, tarnishing the head of your spear."
Strength is the result of standing down difficulty. Weakness is what happens when you run away instead. Typically when you run away from something, you've got to run to something, which only aids you in your weakness. Anything used to aid you in weakness will have addictive properties. Usually when we think of addiction, we think of drugs, alcohol, and occasionally gambling. But indiscriminate sex is as addictive as any drug. Like marijuana, it can cause psychological addiction and interfere with your mental processes, causing antisocial behavior. If you're an addict, just the smell of it will get you going. Like alcohol, it can build up tolerance, causing the user to consume more and more to get the previous effects. It can quickly become the whole focus of your life, and before you know it, you're unable to quit--even when you think you can. Like cocaine, it stimulates the brain to provide pleasurable feelings. Done right, it can bring on mood fluctuations, panic attacks and even paranoia. Like heroin, getting more of it becomes a daily goal, causing you to sacrifice family, friends, job, savings, and other important things in your life. It can also bring on diseases like AIDS and hepatitis. Kicking the habit may require professional intervention, and finally, like crack...it kills!
What all these addictive substances have in common is the user: a person who is running away from his/her reality. Like all other drugs, when casual sex is used for this purpose, addictive behaviors spring up and an addict is born. In tough times, people turn to very basic behaviors in order to soothe their pain or to get away from it. Sex is a very basic act for most because it doesn't take rocket science to figure out what to do--at least not for most, so don't get defensive. I know you might disagree with that last statement, and you're talking to the computer as if it were me, saying that I don't know what goes on in your bedroom. Okay. My bad. If you're a little challenged, it may not be as simple as I'm making it seem. For you, it can get a little complicated at times, but really, it's very simple: Groove. Protrusion.
No, seriously. Too many people turn to casual sex as they run away from their day, not ever considering the most dangerous of its consequences, because people are unaware of what those consequences are. Sex is an exchange of spirit; whatever you go down with, you come up as. You sleep with someone, and before you know it, your issues will have multiplied without you ever seeing or knowing what happened. (If a baby is born as a result of the union, the child will be a mixture of all of the issues involved. We all have family members who act so much like one of his parents that you'd almost swear it was a reincarnation. Some of us have our own "mini-me's", so you know what I'm talking about. What's worse, most of us know a family member or two who looks and acts just like someone who is not the father. Y'all know Little Joe looks just like Cousin Robbie or Big Joe's best friend, Sammy. That's why Joe's wife is always, always, pointing out how much "he looks/acts just like his daddy". (Pay attention to how many time she says that at the next family reunion!) Not only does he look like the other dude, but he acts just like the guy's mama. That's because babies are results of spiritual DNA, too! Ya'll know Pookie acts just like them Jacksons!)
If you're using indiscriminate sex as a means of running away, STOP. It's not helping. It's only making your situation worse. Like any other drug, it will take you away for the moment, but it will weaken your mind, leaving you wanting more. If your mind is weakened, you will not be able to effectively deal with whatever you're running from, and you won't want to as long as your drug is readily available. If you're running from something, that "something" is going to be there when you eventually stop--worse than before, but still there. So stop running. Face whatever it is, deal with it, then have all the healthy sex you want!
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