Sunday, February 19, 2012

Your Beacon of Light

"From the darkness, I can see you, but you can't see me; there's not enough light."

Boy, oh boy, did I have a meltdown yesterday!  Geez Louise!  See, I'm one of those people who has to live in truth, integrity and intelligence, and I've seen enough dumb stuff in the last seven days to last me a lifetime!  I can't stand dumb stuff for too long, and one thing I've noticed is that desperation will cause people to go for what's dumb over that which is true, intelligent or integral.  Desperation will make you DUMB!  Before we go further, we must identify what "dumb stuff" is.  Dumb stuff is what happens when you knowingly settle for less and expect a good outcome.  It's the stuff you do when you know there's a better way, but you don't follow the path to it.  You know it's dumb because you feel in your heart that you could do better.   You know in your mind that you're doing something stupid, but you think that it will turn out okay if you work at it a little harder or that if you hide the dumb part from other people, no one will know you're being dumb.  NEWSFLASH: YOU WILL KNOW THAT YOUR ASS IS DOING SOMETHING STUPID!

It's settling in a domestically violent situation because you want to like the man or woman you're involved with.  Simply liking him/her is not reasonable enough grounds for you to stay,  A line from an Anita Baker song: "just because I love you (it) don't mean I won't disappear."  You may "love" him/ her, but you obviously hate yourself if you are willing to settle for being a punching bag.  And you know it's wrong because that's not the stuff you brag about when you're trying to make your relationship look better than it really is to other folks!  You don't have to be a rocket scientist to know that getting your ass whooped is bad.  It's elementary.

Dumb stuff is what happens when you call in sick to work then go shopping or to a movie, and end up worried because you bumped into a coworker.  Dumb stuff is what happens when you eat seafood at an elegant affair, knowing you're allergic to shellfish.  Dumb stuff is what happens when you buy a pair of designer jeans you can't afford and then are left short on your rent.  Dumb stuff is what happens when you gamble your rent money away--period!  Dumb stuff is what happens when you get a little money and you spend it up flossing for others and then have to ask relatives for help you pay your monthly bills.  But wait...that's not the dumbest part of that.  The dumbest part is when you get mad at them for not helping you out in your emergency.  And you have the nerve to call them selfish!  Did you think about them when you were shopping?  Then why is it their responsibility to think about you when your dumb ass is sitting in the dark?  You knew all month lights weren't free!

Dumb stuff is when you even think others are just sitting around with money to give you to make YOUR ends meet.  You end up behind in everything each month and can never get ahead, but you've got a closet full of cheap clothes and shoes--or in dumber cases, expensive clothes and shoes-- that you knew your ass shouldn't have been buying in the first place.  And then you have the nerve to brag about it!  Don't you know that the folks you're bragging to are looking at how dumb you are for spending your money on dumb stuff?  Why do people think that just because they brag, others are going to believe they've got it going on?

Dumb stuff is what happens when all you have is five dollars in your Coach bag.  Dumb stuff is buying a pair of pink gators!  Ladies, never date a brother in a pair of red or pink shoes cuz he's so fly you're going to have to pay his bills!  Brothers, if you're wearing red, purple or pink gators, no one is going to take you seriously because you're wearing your rent or house payment on your feet!  So don't be mad when smart women start running from your fly ass.

Dumb stuff is spending all of your money on drugs, alcohol and/or cigarettes and expecting the person you call friend or family, who is doing okay financially, to care that you can't put food on your table this month.  Chances are, you couldn't put food on your table last month, either.  Your friends and family members do not work just to feed you!  That's what you need a job for!

Dumb stuff is anything you do just to get attention.  Folks, if you're over twelve years old, and you're whining about anything, you're dumb!  Suck that shit up and be about your business.  Nobody has time to sit around and listen to you whine about how much your life sucks because you do dumb stuff.  And, for Heaven's sake, don't expect the rest of us to feel sorry for you because we don't--and if you catch us at a time when we do, it's cuz we're doing something dumb, too!

Dumb stuff, hairdressers, is when you buy yourself a new car or go on vacation then double your regular prices on your regular customers when you get back to the shop.  That's when we start doing our own hair or start looking for someone who's not so ******* dumb to do it in your place!  You're a hairdresser; you are expendable!  A good hairdresser can be found on any corner--and if you live in the right hood--in her kitchen!  You lose, idiot!  It's business.

What's dumber is when you, the one getting your hair done, continue to let a chump like that do your hair and punk you in that way!  Take your business elsewhere!

I could rant all day about what's dumb, but I'm sure you all have a lot of  "what's dumbs" to add to this list!  But I've got to move on...

My mother used to always say, "Truth is the light."  She was partially right.  Integrity is the light.  Truth is the power that fuels it.  Just call this blog your beacon of light.  Don't come here unless you want to hear truth, intelligence or integrity--regardless of how it's stated.  Sometimes, truth has to be given raw--with no vaseline--because people are always looking for a way to slide right past it.  If you're not strong enough to hear it unwatered down, don't come here.  When I start watering down for folks--when I start dummying it down--I end up melting down as well.  And that's a dumb assed thing for me to do.

Integrity is light, and those looking to deceive you can see from the darkness that you don't have any.  They haven't had light in so long--if they've ever had it--that their eyes actually see better when it's dark.  They see that you don't have enough light to see what they are trying to do to you.  When they plot evil, they are looking for prey--some dumb one easy to catch in their snare.  A person willing to settle for dumb stuff is easy prey because they don't ever look past what is directly in front of them.  The darkness knows you're dumb.  It knows your desperation will lead you to settle for anything.  If you don't stand for something, which is what integral people do, you'll fall for anything.  They can see you from the darkness, and know all they need to know about doing whatever they want to you because they know you're not integral enough to call them on their stuff.  What's worse?  They know your desperation will cause you to reject the truth--even if someone who cares for you exposes it--leaving you without the power necessary to do anything about your situation.  Intelligence gives you the roadmap to steer clear of all the dumb stuff that makes up the darkness.  If you want to be dumb, you can be, but beware; you will not be able to hide from anything that lurks in the darkness.  Not only can dumbness be seen in the darkness.  It breeds there.

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