Wednesday, February 1, 2012

I'd Like a Double-Double, Please.

"Two times the fun, twice the trouble, who would it be if you had a double?"

Today, I'm saddened by a couple of things.  One, I just read about the suicide of Don Cornelius.  Wow!  That was a surprise to me.  Suicide?  What is going on in the world that an icon of his status would go out that way?  It's being said that "serious health concerns" probably played a part in this, but I have serious spiritual concerns.  What was the man going through mentally and emotionally that his only way out was suicide?  Who was his support system?  My heart hurts.  He was a legend and I hate that his end was met in this way.  Seriously, a moment of silence for the giant who pioneered, slaved and paved the way for so many people who otherwise would not have had a stage or a voice.  Let's not forget who he was or what he stood for.

The second thing, swinging the pendulum all the way to a different side,  is not so sad.  It's just stupid.  I just watched a clip of Mitt Romney singing America the Beautiful.  Now, when I first heard that he sang a song period, I laughed and thought of how kids respond to each other in their little tit-for-tats.  I thought, really, Mitt?  Is it just bad timing, or are you seriously doing this?  Could this be because of the amazing response President Obama got for singing a couple of notes of an Al Green song?  (and in case you went to sleep on Obama, the sales of that song went up 490 percent with 16,000 downloads this month after the fundraiser in New York where our president did his thing!  That obviously scared some folks!)

Anyway, back to the point.  The other day, I read that Mitt sang, and paid it no mind; didn't even bother to listen to it.  But today, after watching a clip from the Jay Leno interview with Michelle Obama, I decided to take a listen.  Part of me wishes I hadn't; another part of me is glad I did.  The singing was terrible, but I was humored by the comments of Suzy Welch, the republican commentator who tried to justify this idiot move on Romney's part.  I have to say this because it's burning within me: republicans against Obama say some dumb stuff!!!  This female, God help her, tried to justify what sounded like an old man remembering himself as a little boy having to perform his civic duty back in grade school, by saying that the voters would compare the two songs and see the "two different Americas" being represented here. WHAT???  She, after laughing at Mitt herself,  tried to pull herself together as she justified Mitt's getting through the whole song, which displayed his patriotism, as opposed to "the very cool Barack Obama singing Al Green".  Cool was not used as a positive here; it was snide.  So what is she saying?  "Two different Americas"?  A black America vs. a white one?  One that doesn't shun black people and their contributions to this great nation as opposed to the one that doesn't even acknowledge it?  What, in her mind, was wrong with what President Obama sang?  It wasn't even meant to be a part of his campaign.  He did it to acknowledge the Rev. Al Green, who was in the house supporting him.  They don't get it.  When a man is as honest as President Obama, he can do what he wants, and the outcome is usually favorable.  But  the" other America" is opposed to that because dishonesty is their policy.  (In this case, Mitt Romney wasn't dishonest; he was just wrong.)  Listen up: the prowess in President Obama is his sheer, incorruptible honesty, which is the definition of integrity.  He doesn't have to pretend to be something he's not.  He doesn't have to lie or deceive the public.  He can do things like publicly play basketball instead of golf, because that's what he honestly and truly likes to do.  He doesn't have to hide who he is, what he likes, his heritage, his roots, the music he listens to, or where he was born for that matter, because his integrity keeps him from falling.  He didn't have a secondary agenda when he ran for president.  He believed in what he stood for and he still does.  He didn't have to impress white or black America.  He won the election on who he was and what that brought to the table, not on who he felt he had to be for anyone of any color.  It isn't a racial issue for him; it is a presidency!!!  So how about this Ms. Welch: President Obama made a choice based on what he knew he could do; Mitt Romney did what he thought he could do, and it didn't work.  Not at all.  But you're right, Ms. Welch.  Two different Americas are being represented here: one that will sheerly amaze the world, and one that will be an absolute mockery.  On a simple decision such as whether or not to sing in public, your candidate flopped!  You might want to think long and hard about who you're voting in as the chief decision maker for this country.  That person WILL be a reflection of you.

So that brings us to the quote of the day.  If you had to be a twin to someone, who would it be and why?  Obviously, my twin would be the incomparable Barack Obama.  This man is honest, integral, intelligent, mature, strong, and about his business--the business of this country!  In spite of all they say about him and try to do to him, he stays in his lane.  The man is focussed, and I love that about him.  He's not playing; he's for real.  I'm sure that's why they call him "No shock Barack, No drama Obama".  No drama.  The man just keeps it real.  That's who I'd want to reflect me.  So in turn, I am going to reflect him.  No shock, no drama.  Who do you reflect?  Who do you remind others of?  That's honestly and truly something for you to think about today.

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